Ring Care Guide
In general, it's good practice to treat your ring kind of like your car. That means you really should clean your ring every month or so (we know, that's maybe more often than some of you clean a car, but truly that's like a bare minimum for how often you should clean your car). Also, if your significant other will allow it, take your ring off at night to let your finger breathe a bit. Your ring and your finger will thank you. Aside from that, all of our rings can be worn normally and in most conditions, so feel free to leave it on during all your adventures!
Here are some helpful tips for cleaning certain metals and/or inlay types. Don't forget, you can always send it back to us to refinish at any time, so if it's just not cleaning up the way you like let us know.

A little soap and water with a soft bristled toothbrush will clean these rings right up! Don't use too much pressure and make sure to dry your ring completely when you're done. Do not use an ultrasonic cleaner or steam on Elysium bands, it's a bad idea.

While these inlays are sealed with resin to protect from water damage, please remember to dry them after cleaning or wearing them in water. To clean, use a soft bristled toothbrush with dish soap.

The meteorite in your ring is composed of mostly iron, and while it's sealed to protect it, oxidation may still occur. Household cleaners along with Chlorine can expedite that process, so avoid those chemicals for sure. To clean, use a soft bristled toothbrush with some baking soda and rub gently. Again, your ring comes with a warranty, so if you ever need a refinishing, let us know!